Вот стиШог, стырила безпардонно у предводителя PD, и все-таки он странный чувак и его сатанинская музыка меня вынесла))))))))) Наслаждаемся былиной о рили-тру-эмо))))
There Was A Goth Guy
That Met A Goth Girl
Both Slit There Wrist
Both Hated The World
Together They Killed
Together They Bled
After One Year
Together They Wed
They Slept In A Coffin
Screwed With A Knife
He Gave Her Love
She Took His Life
She Kissed His Lips
Tore Open His Chest
Took Out His Heart
-n- Ate All The Rest
There Was A Goth Girl
That Killed A Goth Guy
Both Wanted Death
Only One Got To Die !!