Офигенский клип. Очень понравился. Не ожидала. Приятно удивлена и жду ближайших концертов в России. Ylonen неподражаем
Текст песни
Living In A World Without You
It's hard to believe that it came to this,
You paralysed my body with a poison kiss,
For 40 days and nights I was chained to your bed,
You thought that was the end of the story,
Then something inside me called freedom came alive,
Living in a world without you,
You told me, my darling, without me, you're nothing,
You taught me, to look in your eyes, and fed me, your sweet lies,
Suddenly someone was there in the window,
Looking outside at the sky that had never been blue,
Oh oh oh oh there's a world without you,
I see the light,
Living in a world without you,
Oh oh oh oh there is hope to guide me,
I will survive,
Living in a world without you,
It's hard to believe that it came to this,
You paralysed my body with a poison kiss,
For 40 days and nights I was chained to your bed,
You thought that was the end of the story,
Then something inside me called freedom came alive,
Living in a world without you,
You put me together, then trashed me, for pleasure,
You used me, again and again, abused me, confused me,
Suddenly naked I run through your garden,
Right through the gates of the past that I'm finally free,
Oh oh oh oh there's a world without you,
I see the light,
Living in a world without you,
Oh oh oh oh there is hope to guide me,
I will survive,
Living in a world without you,
It's hard to believe that it came to this,
You paralysed my body with a poison kiss,
For 40 days and nights I was chained to your bed,
You thought that was the end of the story,
Then something inside me called freedom came alive,
Living in a world without you,
It's hard to believe that it came to this,
You paralysed my body with a poison kiss,
For 40 days and nights I was chained to your bed,
You thought that was the end of the story,
Then something inside me called freedom came alive,
Living in a world without you,
Oh oh oh oh there's a world without you,
I see the light, living in a world without you,
Oh oh oh oh there is hope to guide me,
I will survive, living in a world without you,
Living in a world without you
Living in a world without you
Living in a world without you
Living in a world without you
Пукконенов, на Какканенов и на Грибконенов
Я сразу вспоминаю стеб про финский язык: "много пуккала, мало каккала".
Вот так съезд ведущих див нашей отечественной эстрады и состоялся
Служим Отечеству
ротиками!А у Бэллы после этой встречи ушки остались?
офигенский авик
неужели скачала?
ага, и даже одну часть уже успела посмотреть
и написал мне грибы невиданного содержания?)))))) оригинально
ну дык, это ж доктор Хабер